1. 'Going to' yapısı üç bölümden oluşur:
(1) to be + (2) going to + (3) esas fiil
Subject 'to be' going to infinitive
I am going to leave
He is going to leave
She is going to leave
It is going to leave
We are going to leave
You are going to leave
They are going to leave
2. 'Going to' cümleleri şu an ile çok yakın ilişkisi vardır ve gelecekten bahsederken zaman değil olay daha çok önemlidir.
'Be going to' ile :
a) Planlarımızı ve niyetlerimizi ifade ederiz.
We're going to move to London next year. (= gelecekteki planım bu.)
b) Şu anda elimizdeki kanıtlar doğrultusunda kuvvetli tahminler yapmak:
Look at black clouds - it's going to rain! (= kesin olacağını gözümle görebiliyorum.)
Not : Günlük konuşmalarda özellikle Amerikan İngilizce'sinde going to 'gonna' şeklinde kısaltılabilir.
I am gonna work all night long.
We're gonna play tennis.
More examples:
Plans and Intentions:(Plan ve niyetler)
a. Is John going to buy a new car soon?
b. Are John and Mary going to visit Blue Mosque when they are in Istanbul?
c. I think George and Lucy are going to have a party next week.
Predictions based on present evidence: (Var olan kanıta dayalı tahmin)
a. There's going to be a terrible accident!
b. He's going to be a brilliant politician.
c. I'm going to have terrible indigestion.
NOT : 'I'm going to go to...' şeklinde ifade tercih edilmez.
Onun yerine Present Continuous Tense - 'going to' + a place or event şeklinde kullanılır.
We are going to the beach tomorrow.
She is going to the ballet tonight.
Are you going to the party tomorrow night?